Let's Be Frank

Hello!! welcome to my little corner of the web. I hope you're having a fab day?? Today's post of all about some skincare kit I recently bought from Frank Body. Here's a mini-bio for those of you who haven't heard of this brand. Frank  Body is an Australian made coffee-based skincare range.
I myself stumbled upon this brand by accident and you know me, I jumped on the band wagon and tried it just because I wanted to see what the fuss was all about. Because I don't tend to do things in halves I went for the full body workout and bought the kit that has products for the face and body. The shipping was very quick so I didn't have to wait very long to try the products. As I was excited I was to get my hands on these products and as soon as I could afford to buy it, I bought it. On the day my items were delivered, I tried the creamy face wash which isn't soapy it basically creamy and I tried to use it with my trusted Magnitone  Cleansing brush. For me, I would have preferred it a little soapy but it does leave the skin very moisturized and clean. The face scrub is becoming one of my favourite products to use to clean my face. Very little goes a long way which I didn't know first time I used it and now that I know how to use it. I absolutely love how clean, soft and moisture sky face feels after use. I use it on my face every other day to gently exfoliate my face. My other fav is the face cream which is also very moisturizing, I have only skin and this stuff is absolutely blooming amazing. It's hard become my to go autumn face food ☺️I am yet to try the body scrub but am sure it will give me silky baby soft skin just like the face scrub. All the products feels like they have Shea butter as the main ingredient. As you may or may not know Shea is a great skin moisturizer and is especially great to use on very dry skin. I don't particularly like the body butter because it isn't as moisturizing for me as my daily skincare cream maybe it will work better  when used to the body scrub - for now this is my not so favourite from all the products. 
Have you used any of the Frank products?? Did you like the results you got from using it?? 
Shop the products here

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xoxo Becky

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Mariama Rebecca