I can never resist a printed t-shirt, maybe it's because they always just tend to show my playful fun side. I must admit that sometimes wearing in trend stuff can be very safe and reserved and i like to throw in these fun shirts to spice my style up a little. I know I am not a fashion rebel like most people follow on my social media platforms even though i would love to be a bit more out of the box. I am a the moment really trying to experiment with almost everything in my life. I am trying to push myself to stop always playing it safe and have a little more fun with things which is why i dyed my extensions this colour and I don't know what I'll do next; I am sure it'll be fun because you only live once and you will only grow as a person if you keep pushing and challenging yourself.... *i am thinking of doing pink hair soon*
What's your fashion guilty pleasure?
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xoxo Becky