Getting My Blogging Shoes Back On

Hello! I hope you're having a good day? 2016 was a great year for me. I decided to go back to uni, I had the opportunity to work with some brands and I finally worked with three different photographers to help bring up my blog photos up a notch, my twitter and instagram have struggled a bit because i am not really good at being witty so these two have kinda struggled; I am finding it very difficult to gain and keep people because many people on twitter and instagram have this habit of following and un-following people because its now become a numbers game. Now that I have completed the first semester of uni - i have just finally submitted my first coursework which i was terrified of doing because I hadn't written essays in while. Fingers crossed, hopefully, I will get very good grades with these submissions. I can now get back to writing blog posts and doing fun vidz for my YouTube channel.
I am determined to ensure 2017 is my best year yet. I have complied a little list of some of the things i am currently itching to do this year and I hope you'll find them inspiring.

Go On My First Holiday Abroad| I know what you're thinking!! How can you have never been on a holiday? Well my dear friend, I have never ever been on a holiday abroad. It's probably silly but I have this thing about travelling in confined places especially flying.. so because of this fear, I have been restricted to stay within the England. Finally, I have grown up now and I just only found out my GP might be able to prescribe something to help calm me down during the flight so this year, I will hopefully go somewhere sunny, tropical and definitely not boring old England for my first grown up holiday. I was planning on going away after I have finished my May/June exams. 

Learn a New Language| I have always wanted to be a fluent in french, German and Latin. I actually did French in school but because i haven't been practising for a while, my french is all gone and I only know the basic. I would love to one day dream of living in either France or Germany for at least a year, just so i know what it feels like to live somewhere else other than England.

Set Myself Monthly Blog Goals| I am trying to keep things fresh on the blog so setting myself daily /weekly blogging goals will help me be more consistent and post more content worthy posts on here. I am also planning on working on my improving the pics i post on Instagram and Tumblr, as i am still learning about camera angle, light and keeping things in frame. I want to also make sure I set myself these tasks to keep me motivated. I feel that if i put in more effort to improve my overall online presence and content, It might help me to get more following and exposure for the blog because there are so many bloggers who are on top of their game. I am not one to take blogging too seriously because so I will make sure i inject some funness into my posts. 

Read More| I got back into reading this year because of uni. I want to make sure I also add a few more books for fun, I have a kindle that i hardly use because i seem to be opting for listening to music rather than enriching my mind reading. I live reading old English literature and I would love to read and discover new books. I would highly recommend making and taking some time to read this year. Its always good to take time away from our phones, computers and iPad screens, reading is a great way to relax.

Go On An Adventure| For me I am forever planning on going to Harry Porter Studio tour. Being a massive Happy Porter fan, I will absolutely love to visit this magical place, its not like its that far from where i live, finding the time to go and then having a friend (who likes Harry Porter as much as i do) is very hard. Harry Porter is one of heroes and i would love to finally go on this tour and have a blast.

Learn How To Bake| I have to admit that I cannot bake anything. I remembered once i tried to bake a cake and it was golden brown outside but then I cut it, there was uncooked cake mixture in the middle and my friend laughed so hard, he almost pissed himself. There are other time when i have tried to bake, it just ended on disaster. I would love to be more domestic and if i can bake, i can eat more cake and spend less money buying cakes in shops and maybe it'll come in handy in the future, what better time to learn how to bake than this year. 

Finish This Year at University| For fellow students out there you will know what i mean when i say, I that i will be happy when the school year finishes. Not only will this mean that I am done reading books that are probably as heavy as me and running from one building to the next, it'll mean that I can finally relax a little bit more and think about my final grades which I am sure I will definitely do well at.
What are some of the things you're planning to do this year?

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xoxo Becky

Instagram @ mariamarebecca
Mariama Rebecca